Angie Giuffrè
Angie Giuffrè
I'm an associate and the Sisters of Mercy vocations promotions assistant. In that role I have presented at a member area meeting of NRVC on social media.
As a Mercy Associate I have been involved in vocation ministry for over 20 years, but officially I've held my current position for 10 years. For many years prior to that, I was on a vocation team made up of sisters and myself, and we helped the vocation director in various ways.
I became quite involved with the Internet in the early '90s and started a chat room with one of the vocation ministers. Social media became a tool I used to promote religious life and the Sisters of Mercy.
Then, 10 years ago, the leadership team essentially created a position and hired me. It was not anything I could have ever imagined happening. My children were grown and my husband has always been very supportive, so the timing was perfect for a position that involves travel.
I am blessed to be part of a team of four consisting of our incorporation minister, two vocation ministers, and me. We are also connected to all the incorporation and vocation ministers in the Sisters of Mercy. We have great support among us.
Being a member of NRVC has been wonderfully helpful. It is always good to share information and experiences among those in the ministry, and NRVC gives us the opportunity to hear from each other through publications, social media, member area meetings, and the convocation. NRVC offers great support and education.
We are always looking for ways to connect with young women. Lately we are taking "old" ideas, such as programs in our Mercy schools and universities, and updating and adapting them. Sometimes the old becomes new again!
One of our foundress' statements that speaks to vocation ministry is, "You must "waste" time with people. A good beginning is of great importance."
It's always a challenge to do all that we would like to do if only time allowed. The most rewarding aspects of the ministry are getting to know so many people and getting to be part of the journey of those sensing a call to religious life.
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1 Comment
Sister Dale Jarvis R.S.M.
13:26:50 - 2017. Aug 08
Great article Angie. Thanks for the 10 years of work with Vocations. Dale
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