Sister Charlene Herinckx, S.S.M.O.
Sister Charlene Herinckx, S.S.M.O.
Right now I'm in my second term as superior general of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon. I'm a lifetime member of NRVC. I've been the board director, a regional chair, and I worked on the staff for several years as coordinator of programs and projects.
I began in 1988 when I served in the Archdiocese of Portland’s vocation office part-time and as my community’s vocation director part-time. In 1995, I left vocation ministry temporarily. In 1999 I went to Chicago to serve in the NRVC office until 2005, at which time I was elected to serve on the leadership team of my community and as our vocation director.
Yes, as a vocation director, NRVC has provided valuable workshops and resources as well as opportunities for networking and learning from other vocation directors.
While serving in the archdiocesan vocation office, we produced a poster titled “Men and Women in Formation in the Archdiocese of Portland.” It was a big surprise to many people to see how many there were, and I think it sent out a very positive message.
Also, working with other women religious vocation directors, we sponsored monthly discernment gatherings as well as an annual retreat. It was a great opportunity for the women discerners to meet others who were also discerning, and it was a way of introducing them to the various religious communities.
I have loved meeting with men and women who were seeking to find their mission in life. I have enjoyed visiting with them and asking “hard” questions to help them respond according to reality and not just their idealized vision of religious life. Also I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting other vocation directors. Their fervor and love of their communities and their vocations has always been inspirational to me.
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