2020 Recognition Awards

2020 Recognition Awards

Harvest Award

Mary Lou Paluch RaffertyThe NRVC board has selected Mary Lou Paluch Rafferty, third-generation owner of the J.S. Paluch Company, Inc., to receive its highest recognition, the NRVC Harvest Award. Mary Lou's enthusiasm for and commitment to religious life vocations is profound. Her family-owned business began in 1913 to provide printing services for parishes throughout the United States, today providing an array of services, from bulletins to calendars. Inspired by her mother's vision, Mary Lou has remained committed to supporting vocations to religious life and diocesan priesthood through the National Vocations Awareness Division (NVAD) of the J.S. Paluch Company. The NVAD has supported NRVC in numerous ways over the years.​

The NRVC commissioned Mikey Needleman to write a song in recognition of the many contributions of Mary Lou Paluch Rafferty to NRVC over the years.


Lifetime Membership

The NRVC Board has selected Reverend Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D. to receive a lifetime membership to the National Religious Vocation Conference. Fr. Carey is a priest of the Archdiocese of Portland, OR. He has taught at both the secondary and university levels, and presently teaches at Mount Angel Seminary Graduate School of Theology in Saint Benedict, Oregon. Father Carey holds a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He has presented workshops in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji. He is a past recipient of the NRVC Harvest Award for his work in service of vocation ministry. Countless vocation directors have attended his legendary workshops in Ethics in Vocation and Formation Ministry, Behavioral Assessment 1, and Behavioral Assessment 2.


Mustard Seed Award

The NRVC board has selected Notre Dame Vision, a program of the McGrath Institute for Church Life, for the Mustard Seed Award. Each year, Vision conferences at the University of Notre Dame offer high school students a theologically rich experience of keynote speakers with the mentorship of college students. From large group sessions to small faith-sharing groups comprised of peers, Notre Dame Vision provides the space and the community to ask big questions about how God is calling teens to use their talents in service to the Church and world. Through this experience, Vision hopes to enkindle the flame of God’s love that will last beyond the week, grounding a lifetime of faith.


Outstanding Recognition Awards

The NRVC Board has selected the following NRVC members to receive the Outstanding Recognition Award for 2020:

Sr. Michael Frances Duncan SSMO







Sister Michael Francine Duncan, S.S.M.O.


Br. Ronnie Hingle SC







Brother Ronnie Hingle, S.C.


Sr. Marie Mackey CSJ







Sister Marie Mackey, C.S.J.


Sr. Priscilla Moreno RSM







Sister Priscilla Moreno, R.S.M.


Br. Sean Sammon FMS







Brother Sean Sammon, F.M.S.


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