Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry Workshop

Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry Workshop

July 23-24, 2021

By National Office


Please note Summer Institute registration closed on June 30.

This workshop will explore ethical principles governing confidentiality, agency and obligations related to positions of trust. The workshop will also address issues related to dissemination of information, the timeliness of admissions or dismissal decisions, and other issues related to ethical rights of candidates as well as ethical rights of those in positions of authority. This workshop is essential for all those who make decisions concerning the admission of candidates.

Please note this two day workshop begins each day at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 2:30 p.m. Central time. There are 2 scheduled breaks along with a 60 minute lunch from 11:30 - 12:30 (CT) to avoid screen fatigue. 

Workshop fees

NRVC member: $300                                        $450 Non-member

Become an NRVC member for reduced workshop rates.           


Cancellations for workshops must be received in writing to before June 30 to receive a full refund less a $100 processing fee. After June 30, all fees are non refundable. 


Reverend Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D. is a priest of the Archdiocese of Portland, OR. He has taught at both the secondary and university levels, and presently teaches at Mount Angel Seminary Graduate School of Theology in Saint Benedict, Oregon. Fr. Carey holds a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He has presented workshops in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. He is a recipient of the NRVC Harvest Award and a Lifetime NRVC member for his work in service of vocation ministry.


The material was extensive and presented well. Learning more about gender identity, sexual energy and intimacy skills was most helpful for me professionally and in living my own vocation well.

–Brother Pat Douglas, S.J.​

I am in leadership and because of the reports we receive when people are applying for vows, I was interested in the content of this program. There are three times that we can assess suitability (before entrance, temporary vows, final vows) and I wanted more content to be better able to make the assessment.

–Sister Marie Ursino, S.H.C.J., ministering in Rome, Italy

Pragmatic content effectively delivered. This workshop opened a new and valuable perspective for me. Now I understand why the vocation team sets up structures and interactions the way it does. I am grateful we now have a common language and goal.  

–Brother Nick Gonzalez, F.S.C.

Financial assistance available

To assist NRVC members with their professional development, the Misericordia Scholarship Fund is available. Scholarship funds can be applied to NRVC workshops; however, they do not cover the cost of transportation, accommodations, meals or personal expenses. If you need financial assistance to attend an NRVC workshop, please contact  for an application.

Workshop terms and conditions

Workshops are designed from the NRVC three-component curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. NRVC recommends that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation, faith formation, and to further develop their professional competencies. Please read the terms and conditions of all NRVC programs and events.

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