July 2018 newsletter

July 2018 newsletter

Church revs up for October synod

Young people, the faith, and vocational discernment

From October 3 to 28, bishops from around the world will come together in Rome to deliberate on the themes of "young people, the faith, and vocational discernment."

In March, three U.S. representatives were part of a meeting of 300 international young adults who gave input to the bishops about the needs and concerns of young people. The document they produced is valuable reading for  vocation ministers and others who minister with young people. The group also produced a video.

The U.S. reprsentatives were: Brother Javier Hansen, F.S.C., a religion teacher at Cathedral High School in El Paso, Texas (and whose community belongs to NRVC); Nick López,  director of campus ministry for the University of Dallas; and Katie Prejean McGrady, speaker and youth minister.

In the press conference announcing the instrumentum laboris for the synod, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri called attention to three areas the synod will cover: "Recognizing: the Church listening to reality," "Interpreting: faith and vocational discernment," and "Choosing: paths of pastoral and missionary conversion."

Find further information at the synod website.

HORIZON and VISION win 12 awards

For editorial excellence

HORIZON and VISION Vocation Guide were recently honored by the Catholic Press Association and Associated Church Press in several editorial categories, including best special interest magazine, regular column, reporting on vocations, guest commentary, e-newsletter, photo story, social media, and blog.

Both publications appear in print and online and are published by the National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) through TrueQuest Communications. Find a full list of awards here. Congratulations to all the writers and editors!

Two selected for NRVC Board

Welding, Uhal

Sister Mindy Welding, I.H.M and Mr. Len Uhal

Sister Mindy Welding, I.H.M. and Mr. Len Uhal have been selected by the NRVC Board to serve as NRVC Board members beginning this fall.

The two have been active members for many years, and both have served as member area coordinators. Welding is director of vocations for the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scranton, Pennsylvania. Uhal is the national vocation director for the Society of the Divine Word, whose headquarters are in Epworth, Iowa.

Welcome Sister Mindy and Len!

Summer Institute

Still openings for July workshops

Men and women take part in a previous year's Summer Institute.

NRVC has enjoyed record enrollment in this year's Summer Institute, set to take place July 10-21 in downtown Chicago. If you're still considering taking part, please act quickly. Full information, including online registration, is at nrvc.net.

This year's participants hail from 20 countries, which promises to make the workshop series an intercultural experience for all.

Nominate outstanding vocation ministers

To receive award

The Dubuque Area Vocation Association was granted the 2016 Mustard Seed Award for furthering vocation ministry in its region.

Nominations must be submitted by August 1 for the NRVC Recognition Award. This award honors members of NRVC (for at least three years) who have made an outstanding contribution to vocation ministry.

Nominations are also  welcome for the Mustard Seed Award, which recognizes individuals or groups that have initiated a small, local vocations effort that has taken root and expanded. These nominees need not be vocation ministers or members of NRVC.

All nominations must be sent by August 1 to Sister Debbie Borneman: debbiesscm@nrvc.net.

Convocation time approaches

Register today!

Participants in NRVC's 2016 convocation enjoy  a moment of camaraderie.

It's summertime now, but in just a few months, members and friends of NRVC will gather in Buffalo, New York, for our 30th anniversary convocation on November 1-5. Register today, and be part of a drawing July 30 to win a free trip from our convocation to nearby Niagara Falls.

This convocation will feature:

  • Outstanding speakers
  • Pre-convocation workshops
  • Uplifting liturgies and prayer
  • Valuable networking
  • Unparalleled professional development

Learn more, register now!

Resource of the Month

Conversation cards

These colorful business-sized cards are the perfect giveaway to use all summer long at parish festivals, volunteer programs, and retreat centers. They pave the way for a vocation conversation.

The cards come in a pack of 100 with four messages: "You would make a great sister (or brother, priest, or nun)." The backs of the cards simply state "Imagine the possibilities" with a space to sign the cards. $6 per pack for NRVC members; $9 for non-members. Learn more or order them here.

News of our collaborators

Opportunities for ministers and discerners

CMSM inviting men vocation directors to July assembly

The Conference of Major Superiors of Men is inviting male vocation directors to its National Assembly in St. Louis, July 31-August 3. The theme is "Youth and Religious Leaders Together: Discerning in Missionary Discipleship" in anticipation of the October 2018 synod on "young people, the faith, and vocational discernment."  Information and registration may be found here.

World Youth Day Cross to tour United States

The official World Youth Day Cross and Marian Icon will make a multi-city tour of the United States beginning in August 2018, the first time in 25 years such a coordinated journey has occurred.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth is coordinating the national tour.

The cross and icon will travel from Sunday, August 19 to Monday, August 27. The five stops on its U.S. journey will include, in order: Chicago, Miami, Houston, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles. 

Free webinars on beating ministry stress

The Catholic Apostolate Center and SLIconnect, a ministry of St. Luke Institute, are offering two free webinars on self-care, stress management, and personal resilience to support healthy, sustainable ministry. More information, including registration details for each session, can be found at the following links.
Building Resilience to Beat Burnout
July 10, 1-2 p.m. ET
Taryn Miller, Psy.D.
Grace Under Pressure: Increasing Your Stress Tolerance
August 28, 1-2 p.m. ET
Emily Cash, Psy.D.

RFC "Together" program starts in the fall

The "Together" program, a collaborative for theological education, formation, and community, continues to invite applications for the inaugural cohort commencing this fall. The program is co-sponsored by Catholic Theological Union and the Religious Formation Conference,

For more information and registration materials, visit together-formation.com.
Direct questions to contact@together-formation.com or 773-675-8362.

Communicators for Women Religious conference October 2-5

Communicators for Women Religious will hold its 24th annual conference in Fort Worth, Texas October 2-5. The theme is "FORTify your mission: The path WORTH taking." The conference will take place at the Sheraton Fort Worth Downtown. For more information, visit c4wr.org.


Important vocation ministry dates


NRVC Summer Institute

"Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment"

July 10-21

October 3-28

NRVC Convocation 

National Vocation Awareness Week

November 1-5

November 4-10

World Day for Consecrated Life

February 2, 2019

Board Nominations ...
The National Board extends an invitation to all NRVC members to ...  More
Talk it up Tuesdays! ...
These 60-minute Zoom gatherings are designed for members to learn together, ...  More
World Day for Consecrated Life ...
There are several ways to celebrate World Day for Consecrated Life! ...  More
HORIZON Fall 2024 ...
This edition focuses on discernment, particularly how vocation ministers can accompany ...  More
Get involved in your Member ...
NRVC Member Areas are created to come together to share best ...  More
Bold and Faithful Storymap ...
Our Bold and Faithful Storymap links people interested in religious life ...  More

NRVC Member Areas

Click here to locate the Member Area Coordinators in your Member Area. 


Southwest Member Area Gathering

January 15, 2025,

via Zoom

National Office Closed

January 20,

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Heartland Member Area Gathering

January 22, 2025,

via Zoom

Talk it Up Tuesdays

Starting Jan. 28,

Mark your calendars...

Delaware Valley Member Area Gathering

February 12, 2025,

via Zoom

Catholic Sisters Week

March 8-14, 2025,

Ideas to celebrate...

Religious Brothers Day

May 1, 2025,

Resources to celebrate...

World Day for Consecrated Life

February 2, 2025,

Plan now....

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

May 11, 2025,

Plan now....

National Vocation Awareness Week

November 2-8, 2025,


Renew your NRVC membership