November 2015 newsletter
November 2015 newsletter
National Vocations Awareness Week is now underway, lasting from November 1 to 7. If you need a last-minute resource for a homily, talk, prayer service, lesson, etc., check out the wealth of materials created by NRVC for Year of Consecrated Life and posted on its VISION website:
Resources created by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops are at
The NRVC board met at the Sisters of St. Francis in Colorado Springs from October 26-30 and welcomed new board members, Father Toby Collins, C.R., and Sister Kristin Matthes, S.N.D.deN. The main agenda items were as follows.
► After a three-year process and study, the board ratified a new regional configuration. Over the next year NRVC will transition from 14 regions to 12 member areas. A more detailed explanation will be emailed to members later this week.
► The board reviewed a detailed financial report and accepted the 2014 annual financial review as presented by Sister Anna Marie Espinoza, I.W.B.S, Finance Committee chair. Wayne Montague, interim director of finance and operations, gave a full-day workshop on accounting and innovative thinking.
► The planning for the 2016 NRVC convocation is well underway under the competent oversight of Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M. The convocation is scheduled for October 26-31 and will be held at the Sheraton Overland Park Hotel at the Convention Center in Overland Park, Kansas. Our theme is "Awakened by the Spirit, A Call to Discipleship." More details regarding the convocation speakers and program will be announced later this month.
► The board elected a new Executive Committee for a two-year term. The NRVC officers are Brother Ronnie Hingle, S.C., chair; Sister Anita Quigley, S.H.C.J., vice-chair; and Brother Tom Wendorf, S.M., secretary-treasurer.
► As a follow-up to the NRVC-CARA study Incorporating Cultural Diversity in Religious Life, the board approved the establishment of a Cultural Diversity Committee. In addition, board members also approved establishing committees to review the current NRVC Curriculum and Code of Conduct for updating.
The next NRVC board meeting will be May 1-5, 2016.
NRVC members and friends are invited to offer prayer on behalf of the organization's benefactors. In recent fundraising efforts, NRVC welcomed specific prayer requests from its supporters.
So that members and benefactors can mutually support one another, these prayer requests are now being published on and will appear occasionally in this newsletter. Thank you to all who hold these needs in their hearts and lift them up in prayer.
Father Gerald K. of Ohio: Pope Francis, friend Edward Z., who died in August 2015.
Ralph G. of New York: Living and deceased members of my extended family and their friends and neighbors.
Sister Rebecca W. of New Mexico: Sisters Amy and Therese, who are discerning a vocational call.
Eugene Z. of Illinois: That troops come home safely.
Brother Robert L. of Ohio: That more will be open to receive and answer the call to serve.
Mildred C. of Ohio: Deceased sister, Sister Giovanni, C.S.J., and all religious.
Susan E. of California: God's mercy and help for right action in the European refugee crisis and an end to its causes. A good next president for the U.S.
Sandy F. of Illinois: Mother Elsie S., age 99, whose health is failing.
Brother Chris N. of Illinois: Thanksgiving for my continued good health. My Franciscan community in Cicero.
Arthur H. of Illinois: All those who are thinking of vocations.
Ed Z. of Michigan: To marry again, a woman like the one I lost.
Deacon Roger M. of Arizona: Pope Francis, Archbishop Blase Cupich, Bishop Robert Barron, Bishop Thomas Olmsted.
Jerome E. of Indiana: Loved ones, living and deceased. Family reconciliation.
Ngoc N. of California: Healing prayers for my family. Deceased members of my family.
Louis P.: My father, Louis, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s.
Lawrence F. of New Jersey: My son, Thomas, who has autism. My friend Joe B., who has cancer.
Jeremiah D. of Massachusetts: Peace in the world.
Sister Mary S. of Illinois: Intentions of my family, living and deceased. Wheaton Franciscan Sisters, living and deceased.
Anonymous: My wife.
To raise the profile of its mission to inform and inspire vocation ministry, HORIZON now has its own Facebook page. NRVC members and supporters are encouraged to "like" the page by clicking here.
In addition, the Fall issue—with a theme on family and vocations—is now available online here. Read HORIZON on your tablet, phone, iPad, or computer.
As always, your ideas for the journal are welcome. Write the editor, Carol Schuck Scheiber, at
The NRVC Fall Institute, held in Leavenworth, Kansas October 13-25, attracted 108 participants from 25 states, as well as Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, and Ireland. Evaluations of the four workshops were largely enthusiastic and appreciative. Below is an overview in photos of the event.
When the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) takes place November 19-21 in Indianapolis, Indiana, NRVC members and staff will play key roles in exposing thousands of young people to religious life.
NRVC members representing 55 religious institutes will be taking part in NCYC as exhibitors, vocation team members, storytellers, and mentors to teenaged animators. NRVC's VISION Vocation Guide will host an exhibit booth, and NRVC board chair Brother Ronnie Hingle, S.C. and director of member relations and services Sister Debbie Borneman, SS.C.M. will together present a workshop on discernment.
In addition, to commemorate the Year of Consecrated Life, 15 NRVC religious institutes will be teaching their spirituality and praying together in the NCYC chapel.
Through these various ways to connect to religious sisters, brothers, and priests, the more than 23,000 NCYC participants—teens, parents, and youth ministers—will have a chance to meet religious and learn more about their way of life.
Click here for more information.
To bring the extraordinary Year of Consecrated Life to a close, the Vatican will sponsor a special conference in Rome from January 28 to February 2.
Titled "Consecrated Life in Communion. Diverse Forms with a Common Foundation," the conference is open to all consecrated persons. The program will include a special audience and closing Mass with Pope Francis. For more information and to register, click here.
NRVC members are encouraged to renew their membership today to avoid missing out on member benefits. Renewals may be done on paper or online at
To better serve members, the new NRVC database, Raiser's Edge, has consolidated what used to be separate databases for HORIZON subscriptions, membership, and donations. However, as with any change, there could be glitches.
If you experience a problem in online registration or find an error in the membership renewal form that was mailed to you, don't hesitate to contact NRVC's database administrator, Marge Argleyan, at or 773-363-5454.
NRVC invites vocation and formation ministers to renew their spirits at "Advent Days of Renewal and Reflection," to be held December 14-17 at the Redemptorist Renewal Center in Tucson, Arizona, located in the Sonoran Desert.
Co-sponsored by NRVC and the Religious Formation Conference, this retreat will be led by Sister Addie Lorraine Walker, S.S.N.D. It will offer opportunities to embrace spiritual practices characteristic of Advent: waiting, accepting, anticipating, pondering and listening with heightened awareness, gratitude, and silence.
To learn more, click here.
NRVC's 2016 VISION Vocation Guide and bookmarks may be ordered online by clicking here. Be sure you have enough copies of VISION for the discerners you meet and plenty of bookmarks to use at special events.
The VISION editors welcome your suggestions and feedback. Write to content editor Carol Schuck Scheiber at
These beautiful, postcard-size prayer cards make a perfect giveaway for events. The front of the card has space to add your community information, and the artwork makes this appropriate for use with diverse audiences.
These come in a packet of 100. Price: $10 for members and $15 for non-members. Click here to order or call 773-363-5454.
Get free publicity targeted to discerners for your community's events. Any public event sponsored by a religious community may be posted on the VISION calendar. Be sure to add activities such as retreats, prayer services, volunteer opportunities, talks, Come & See experiences, online retreats, etc. Go to
If you prefer, the VISION calendar editor will even post your event for you. Send your listing to Siobhan O'Neill Meluso:
St. John Vianney Center is completing a series of programs for Catholic sisters focusing on “Who Do You Say That I Am? Exploring the Identity of Religious Life in the 21st Century” with a final program at the Double Tree Hotel, Kenner, Louisiana, November 20-21.
For more information, click here, or contact Pat Weston at or call 888-993-8885.
The Center for the Study of Consecrated Life will host a symposium February 5-6 featuring Father Timonth Radcliffe, O.P. The theme will be "Community Life and Mission: Toward a Future Full of Hope." For more information see or call 773-371-5431.
The Religious Formation Conference (RFC) will host a webinar November 17 by Sister Paula Cooney, I.H.M. on "Retirement: an Invitation to Transformation." For more information see
The Leadership Conference for Women Religious recently released the book Transformational Leadership: Conversations with the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, edited by Sister Annmarie Sanders, I.H.M. (Orbis, 2015). The book consists of interviews with prominent leaders and thinkers in religious life, addressing issues such as envisioning the future, encouraging transformation, coping with division, etc. Learn more here.
The Council of Major Superiors of Women (CMSWR) has produced a documentary about the calling and daily lives of a variety of women religious. Titled "For Love Alone," the DVD may be purchased for $9.95 on See the trailer on YouTube.
CMSWR will also host a fall symposium, “To Wake up the World,” November 13-14 at the Drury Plaza Hotel at the Arch in St. Louis. This will be a national event at which scholars and religious come together to discuss the beauty and witness of religious life. The keynote address will be by Archbishop Augustine DiNoia, O.P., adjunct secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. It is open to all religious, priests, and laity. Learn more at
The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) will take place November 19-21 in Indianapolis, Indiana, and vocation directors will be part of the event as volunteers, workshop presenters, and exhibitors. NCYC is a three-day, high-energy experience of prayer, community, and talks for more than 23,000 teens, parents, and youth ministers from around the country. The 2015 NCYC theme is "Here I Am Lord/Aqui Estoy Señor." Learn more here.
Nov. 1-7, 2015 |
Nov. 19-21, 2015 |
Dec. 8, 2015-Nov. 20, 2016 |
Dec. 14-17, 2015 |
Feb. 2, 6 & 7, 2016 |
March 8-14, 2016 |
April 17, 2016 |
July 25-31, 2016 |
Oct. 26-31, 2016 |
Three years. I started in February 2012, after returning from Mexico.
I had been working with another community member for most of the past three years, but as of September 2015, I have been in office on my own. Our RSHM Vocation Promotion Committee will be of great support in all the vocation efforts for this coming year. The provincial team has been very supportive, and know the same will be true also of our incoming leadership team.
NRVC has been a wonderful source of support and encouragement in my ministry. I have received much in the way of formation by attending the convocations, and these moments have helped me network and be enriched by the experience of other vocation directors. NRVC truly extends itself for us, and I look forward to future gatherings.
Up to now we have focused on gathering women, more or less monthly, focusing on topics we consider formative regarding different aspects of the church. These encounters have given the women information, time for silent reflection, and a chance to share the fruits of their reflections. These encounters have given us the opportunity to respectfully listen to their needs and form relationships, but above all we have given women time to pause in their busy lives. We have had an average of nine women at each gathering.
What I most enjoy is being with the women who come to our events. They are open to listening and receiving the gifts of the Spirit during the hours they are with us. These events put me in direct contact with the needs and the generosity of women.
I also enjoy coming together in NRVC Region 2 during the year and meeting informally with vocation directors in my area. These, too, are a source of encouragement as we share experiences and hopes regarding our ministry.
I also collaborate with our RSHM Volunteer Program. This gives me other opportunities to meet and be with service-oriented young people.
Contact Sister Anna Maria Lionetti, R.S.H.M. at
Philadelphia, PA
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