September 2014 newsletter
September 2014 newsletter
The November 6-10 NRVC Convocation in Chicago promises to be special. As NRVC celebrates 25 years of serving vocation ministers, the Convocation will feature:
Be kind to your budget, and register NOW. The cost of registration rises after October 1. Click here for full details and online registration.
Men religious who took part in the winter 2013-14 NRVC workshop series, "Men Religious Moving Forward in Hope," told NRVC that the workshop led them to take concrete pro-vocation steps. Learn in detail what the outcomes of the workshop were by reading the downloadable report here.
The board of directors of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation voted on August 19, 2014, to approve a $1 million grant in support of the efforts of Giving Voice in partnership with Catholic Theological Union (CTU).
The aim of the grant project is to prepare young women religious to assume leadership positions in their religious communities, ministries, and the Catholic Church. Giving Voice is a peer-led network created by younger sisters to give voice to their hopes, dreams, and challenges in religious life. See to learn more.
The NRVC board gathered August 16-21 in Chicago for its quarterly meeting, to participate in the Paluch Vocations Seminar, and to present an orientation to incoming members who formally join the board in October.
The incoming board members are: Mr. Mark McGuthrie, M.C.A. and Sisters Anna Marie Espinosa, I.W.B.S, Gayle Lawanga Crumbley R.G.S., and Anita Quigley, S.H.C.J.
Some highlights of the board meeting were:
With a goal of building relationships for fruitful vocation ministry, NRVC staff and board members this summer attended the annual assemblies of collaborating organizations and took part in the Paluch Vocations Awareness Seminar.
The LCWR assembly was held in Nashville, Tennessee August 12-15. The theme was "Holy Mystery Revealed in our Midst." The LCWR installed a new president, canon lawyer Sister Sharon Holland, I.H.M. The organization continues to search for its next executive director. Details about the job opening and how to apply are at this link.
The CMSM gathered in Pittsburgh, PA under the theme "50 years of Pefectae Caritatas, Communio and Community." NRVC Executive Director Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C. gave an NRVC update to leaders. For more about the gathering, click here.
Thanks to the generosity of the J.S. Paluch Company, vocation leaders and leaders in related church organizations gathered for the 27th annual Paluch Vocations Seminar, held August 18-20 in Chicago with a theme of "Local to Global Vision." The changes in the church introduced by Pope Francis were a major focus of the presentations and discussions. The keynote speaker was Father Tom Rosica, CSB, CEO of Canada's Salt and Light Television and English language assistant to the Holy See Press Office.
Enroll today in the pre-convocation workshop "Life Questions: Screening for Formation," by Brother John Mark Falkenhain, O.S.B., which is offered on November 6 in Chicago.
A licensed psychologist who has served in vocation and formation ministry, Brother John Mark will will begin the workshop by placing screening in the larger context of formation, then discuss important questions to be asked and information to be imparted in order to help facilitate a new member’s transition into initial formation and, hopefully, a lifetime in the community. Suggestions for working with formation staff will also be explored and discussed.
Click here to register or for details (on page 7 of the convocation brochure).
NRVC and VISION Vocation Guide continue to lay plans with collaborating partners for an English-speaking vocation pavilion at the July 26-31, 2016 World Youth Day (WYD) in Krakow, Poland.
NRVC took part in a meeting of WYD collaborators held in Chicago on August 18. On the agenda were:
The Catholic Volunteer Network has begun a three-year initiative to help religious communities of women begin volunteer programs and better connect with volunteers in existing programs.
Called "From Service to Sisterhood," the effort is funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. Research has shown that those who do full-time volunteer service are much more likely than other Catholics to seriously consider religious life or priesthood.
From Service to Sisterhood will be providing financial and technical assistance to women's communities to establish full-time volunteer programs. The deadline for this assistance is October 22, 2014. In addition, this initiative will be sponsoring four vocation discernment retreats a year for women who have done volunteer service or ministry.
For further information about any aspect of From Service to Sisterhood, contact:
Carol Lackie
From Service to Sisterhood Project Coordinator
Catholic Volunteer Network
Catechetical Sunday will be celebrated September 21 this year. The laminated brochure, "The Ministry of the Catechist," is an excellent and affordable item to give parish catechists in commemoration of the day. The brochure shares the good news of religious life as we approach the upcoming Year of Consecrated Life.
This popular NRVC resource can assist catechists in reflecting on the role each person has to pass on the faith and to promote vocations. There is ample space for a label with your contact information. Consider giving this resource to parishes where your members are or have served.
Special fall sale: Pack of 50, 8 x 11 inch brochures for only $10 for members, $15 for non-members. Order at or by emailing or calling (773) 363-5454.
In celebration of its 60th anniversary, the Religious Formation Conference (RFC) is offering a series of two-day gatherings this fall in different locations. Titled "From Center to Periphery: Relocating the Prophetic Witness of Religious Life," the events will feature keynote addresses by Richard Gaillardetz, theology professor, and Sister Carol Jean Willie, S.C., Nongovernmental Organization representative to the United Nations.
September 19-20 | Chicago |
September 26-27 | Renton (Seattle), WA |
October 10-11 | Atchison, KS |
October 17-18 | San Antonio, TX |
In addition RFC will offer "Orientation to Formation Ministry" December 12-14 in Willimantic, Connecticut. Vocation ministers are invited to attend to understand the bigger picture of initial formation.
Visit for details about these and other RFC programs.
Three and a half years.
Yes, there are two of us. I am full time, and the associate vocation director, Sister Mary Zachary Bertrand, C.V.I., is part time. I also work in close collaboration with other vocation ministers through the archdiocesan vocations office of Galveston-Houston, Texas.
Yes! The workshops were very helpful, especially Orientation and Behavioral Assessment. The staff members are very approachable and prompt in responding to my requests and questions, and HORIZON keeps me on top of what’s going on in the world of vocation ministry and in religious life itself. I really feel very supported in my ministry through NRVC.
Plus, I am thankful to have been part of the “Keys to the Future” and the “Women Religious Moving Forward in Hope” projects. To be a member of NRVC is a wonderful investment. Our whole congregation, not just me, has received many benefits over the years.
Within the congregation we have collaborated with leadership to establish a four-year strategic plan in vocation ministry. We’ve promoted a culture of vocations among our members through Wisdom Gatherings twice a year. In addition it has helped us to be transparent with members through regular updates (at least once a month). There has been “buy-in” from most members to actively participate in vocation ministry, not just to support it in prayer.
Among young adults we try to build relationship by being present and available where they are. For instance we are present at Newman Centers, especially the Busy Students Retreat, and at young adult events such as Theology on Tap, Café Catholica, and Bayou Awakening. We also connect through social media.
My guiding principle since I started this ministry is a paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 3:6. “I planted, Apollos watered, but God caused the growth . . . she who plants and she who waters are one . . . We are God's co-workers.”
These words from Saint Paul help me put things into perspective in my ministry. God is the one in charge. My role is to collaborate with others to plant or water the seed of vocation in every person with whom I journey. At the end of a good or challenging day, God blesses my efforts even when the growth or fruits take a while to emerge. Thus, be rooted in prayer. A second commandment in vocation ministry might be, “Take very good care of yourself.”
The relationships I have established, especially among young adults. I treasure the opportunity to mentor young people. I also value relationships with other women and men in this ministry, especially those at our archdiocesan vocations office whose staff is very supportive and collaborative.
Contact Sister Maria Eleanor at
Philadelphia, PA
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