I am NRVC: Sister Kathleen Persson, O.S.B.

I am NRVC: Sister Kathleen Persson, O.S.B.

Sister Kathleen Persson, O.S.B. of the Benedictine Sisters of Virginia became vocation and formation director just as COVID hit the nation. The good news is that she wasn’t already used to doing lots of in-person activities. Seeking a way to virtually connect with people, she turned to YouTube and became the producer of “Benedictine Bytes.”

Besides serving  your community in vocation and formation ministry, do you have other responsibilties?

I'm the co-chair for the Mid-Atlantic member area. Also, I’m a psychotherapist for our Benedictine Counseling Services and do talks and retreats in both the Richmond and Arlington dioceses. I serve as well on two boards, Diocesan Review Board in Richmond and Linton Hall School here in Bristow, Virginia.

What has been helpful about belonging to the NRVC?

It provided an opportunity to meet other vocation directors and receive training.

What have you been trying lately that you’re excited about?

I’m part of a “Pray, Walk, Eat” event taking place in Washington, DC in March 2022. It is something very new to me, and I am looking forward to the experience. Because of COVID, I created a YouTube series called “Benedictine Bytes” to connect with people. Besides my own reflections, I interviewed a number of our sisters. Those were very well received and also went on our Monastery Facebook.

What do you do for fun?

Read mysteries, walk mountain trails, and play word games.

Contact Sister Kathleen at kpersson@osbva.org.

Published on: 2022-02-25

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