Sister Kathleen Branham, O.S.F.

Sister Kathleen Branham, O.S.F.

How are you involved in vocation ministry, and when did you begin?

I've been director of vocation ministry for my community—the Sisters of St. Francis of Oldenburg, IN—for a year and a half. I'm also serving as co-coordinator of the NRVC Midwest Member Area.

Are you part of a vocation team?

As a one-person operation, I've created a Vocation Support Group that includes previous congregational ministers, sisters from prior vocation and formation teams, newer members, and a teacher from our Oldenburg Academy.  This group is very supportive in promoting vocations and assisting in whatever the vocation office needs. The creativity, ideas, and knowledge these women present is a gift, and their willingness to work with young women lightens the burden of being a one-person office. 

Has being a member of NRVC been helpful?

I can't say enough good things about the programs NRVC offers to vocation directors. Being a member has given me a wealth of knowledge and insight about walking with young women. I've participated in all the Summer Institute classes NRVC offers. The staff is willing to assist any time you need information, and the website is chock full of "how to's." Meeting vocation directors from all over the country and the friendships that have developed because of our common ministry are incredible blessings. This being my first year as a co-coordinator, I'm still in the learning mode, and I enjoy listening to other ideas and working as a team.

What ministry ideas have you tried lately that you're excited about?

I've been working with the Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn in launching a Franciscan Online Discernment Group that is gaining in popularity. I'm a creative person and love putting things together. During the pandemic I think most of us were called to see how far we could stretch our imagination in putting together videos and virtual events like Come & Sees, retreats, and reflections.

What do you find most rewarding about this ministry?

Walking with women on this sacred and holy journey no matter where they are.

How about if we end with a fun fact about you?

I love creating and making cards, so just for fun I work with the Stamping Up! company to host card-making workshops, and I help our sisters make  beautiful cards to send to their loved ones. 

Published on: 2021-04-01

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