I am NRVC: Sister Nicole Trahan, F.M.I.
I am NRVC: Sister Nicole Trahan, F.M.I.
Sister Nicole Trahan, F.M.I. serves as vocations and pre-novitiate director for her community, the Marianist Sisters. She is also a member of the NRVC board and a contributor to HORIZON.
Unofficially since 2008, but officially since 2013.
I am part of a team consisting of our Marianist brothers and a few of our sisters. My counterpart in the brothers and I meet often to discuss programming and events, and we ask for assistance as needed.
Being part of NRVC has been invaluable. The training and formation, especially as a new director, helped me gain footing and set goals. The relationships formed through NRVC are supportive and enriching. I could not do this ministry without NRVC.
My local community is within walking distance of a Marianist university. We hosted two "get to know you" cookouts this past academic year for students and area Marianists (sisters, brothers, and priests). Our focus right now is re-establishing relationships, and the cookouts worked really well!
When I was really young I imagined being on Broadway in musical theater.
I have terrible stage fright—which is funny considering my childhood dream!
Published on: 2022-05-31
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