Prayer intentions of NRVC benefactors

Prayer intentions of NRVC benefactors

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Active intentions receiving our prayers

Tony N. in Georgia – that his children find Jesus.

Mary R. in South Carolina – for her husband’s recovery and for world peace.

Mary Ann R. in New York – for living and deceased family members, for Linda who is suffering from cancer, for Gene and James.

Dan M. in Ohio – for family, friends, and pets. 

Laurence F. in Illinois – for the repose of the souls of Nick, Rita, Michael, and Uncle Bart,

Sister Antonia in New Jersey – for her special intentions.

Dan M. in Ohio – for the security of his family.

Stanley D. in Texas – for all those trying to discern God’s call.

John E. in Pennsylvania – for his daughter’s pregnancy and the health of friends and family.

Alfred D. in California – for the health and happiness of friends and family and in thanksgiving.

Lucille in Illinois – for all those suffering from Parkinson’s disease and for their families.

Raymond J. in Oregon – that the power of Christ be with us.

Rocco G. from New York – for the family of Rocco and Teresa and friends and neighbors.

Mother Magda in New Mexico – for vocations for the Sisters of Our Lady Guadalupe and St. Joseph.

Alfred D. in California – for the health and happiness of friends and family, religious world peace, and for inactive Catholics.

Gerald S. of Minnesota – for deceased parents.

Roger M. of Arizona – for Pope Francis, persecuted Christians in Middle East, and for Bishops Strickland, Robinson, Grom and Wallace.

Hardar F. of Michigan – for the Sadeer family.

Nancy S. of Illinois – for the repose of the souls of her husband, her father, and her grandfather, and for unity within the family in faith.

John E. in Pennsylvania – for his family members, deceased and living, increased devotion to prayer life, and the well-being and intentions of clergy and religious.

Edward L. in Pennsylvania – for his family, Pope Francis and health.

Lawrence F. in New Jersey – for his son Thomas who suffers from autism, his daughter Alyssa who suffers from cysts, and his cousin Anthony who is sick with cancer.

Edward L. in Ohio – for his family, their faith life as well as health, and President Trump.

Laurence F. in Illinois – for the repose of the souls of family and friends.

Vincente G. in Michigan – for peace in his own family and the world, especially for his son Andrew and himself.

Joshua C. in Indiana – for his own peace, for Father Timothy and Lisa.

Mary W. in Wisconsin – for her family.

Donald S. in Michigan – for his own healing as he recovers from cancer, help with his finances, direction and discernment and that he find his cat.

Joseph M. in Michigan – for the health of Donna.

Silma K. in Illinois – for the repose of the soul of Lisa Therese Sasing Kuivinen who passed away August 16, 2016.

J. G. in Illinois – for vocations.

Barbara M. in Illinois – for her family’s health.

Constance S. in Michigan – for recovery from cancer.

Liz H. in Michigan – for her grandchildren, especially those in college, for her nephew who is battling cancer, and her son’s return to the church.

Steve F. in New Jersey – for his own vocation.

Alfred D. in California – for the health and happiness of his family; priests and religious; and the poor souls in purgatory.

Donna A. in Michigan – for her three oldest children and for her youngest son who has physical and mental health problems.

Maria S. in Wisconsin – for all priests and religious; an end to abortion; and that those in the new administration be guided by the Holy Spirit.

Ann M. in New Jersey – for the catechists she teaches.

Laurence F. of Illinois – for the recovery of Mike S., repose of the soul of Rita F., for unification of his family, for people to return to church and the end of abortion.

Aurura P. of California – for her health (especially her migraines) and her family (especially her daughter).

James F. of Illinois – for his son who died in 2013 of a heroin overdose.

Dr. and Mrs. A. of Colorado – for the indifference they have shown the Lord, for the soul of Emma and that she be released from prison, for the sins of Earl G.; for healing for Melvin B.

Mr. John L. of Illinois – for his upcoming cataract surgery.

Mrs. Mary Ellen M. of California – that her son find suitable employment.

Deacon Charles G. of Florida – that he continue to appreciate God’s blessings and to be able to pray and receive Him every day in his own home.

Mr. William C. of New Jersey – for his family, including 13 children, 56 grandchildren and 3 great grand children.

Mr. Carlos H. of Florida – for the eternal rest of his ancestors.

Ms. Carmen G. of Illinois – for her mother Maria Gomez that she have peace of mind and that she be able to sleep all her nights in peace.

Ms. Barbara D. of New York – for the conversion of terrorists; for family members to return to the church, for the healing of relationships within her family; and for the physical healing of Don so that he may walk again.

Brother Kent C., F.S.C. of Illinois – for the young Christian Brothers coming out of formation in Chicago and for the blessings and grace they will need in their ministry.

Sister Elizabeth A. O.P. of Wisconsin – for her brother and for the Marywood Franciscan Spirituality Center.

Sr. Mary Joseph of New Hampshire – for growth in holiness and in an increase in members of their community.

Sr. Susanna E. of California – for help with the presidential election, God’s mercy to overcome violent fanatics, help and comfort for their victims, and for the souls of Sandor M., Elizabeth N. and Agnes G.

Mr. and Mrs. Steven N. of Iowa for thanksgiving for the many blessings that God has bestowed upon their family, for family members undergoing surgery, for departed family members, and for health issues of friends and family.

Mr. Richard S. of California – for Patricia, Marion and Leona S. and Rich and Joan W.

Brother Robert L., C.S.C. of Ohio – Greater courage to embrace the call of the Gospel; vocations to consecrated life, all in need of mercy.

Ms. Margaret C. of Illinois – Repose of the soul and the family  of Lucas M. , Sr. Dorothy B., R.S.F.

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