Spring & summer events

Spring & summer events

Catholic Sisters Week

March 8-14

By National Office

About Catholic Sisters Week

Catholic Sisters Week (CSW) invites all to celebrate women religious (Sisters and nuns) from March 8-14. CSW is an annual celebration that began in 2014 to honor women religious with a series of events that instruct, enlighten, and bring greater focus to the lives of these incredible women. It’s a chance to recognize this valuable vocation with the hope that more people will learn about women religious, and invite others to follow their example.

Visit the CSW website to learn about Catholic Sisters Week,  post or find an event near you, and join in celebrating the vocation of Catholic Sisters. You can post your event for others to see here. 

Additional Resources can be found through the numerous VISION Vocation Network articles, Global Sisters Report Resources, the Leadership Collaborative video series, A Nun's Life videos, and this great video from Pope Francis

Additionally, the NRVC has published 77 videos centered on the theme of Abundant Hope. All can be accessed directly through the National Religious Vocation Conference YouTube Channel and shared publicly to amplify hope for religious life. One idea is to share one video a day on your social media platforms throughout Catholic Sisters Week or suggest a few videos to share in classrooms, on campuses, at Board meetings, and at parish events. 

Ideas to Celebrate CSW

Host a book club throughout spring using Benedictine Sister Joan Chittister's highly acclaimed 64-page book entitled, What are you looking for? Seeking the God who is seeking you.  Another 99-page book to consider using is Your One Wild and Precious Life written by Father Mark David Janus, C.S.P.  

Donate books about your founder, community history, and Catholic sisters to college campus ministry houses, school libraries, Adoration Chapels, and parish centers. 

There are over 500 religious institutes for women religious in the United States. Check out these links to learn more about cloistered nuns, missionary sisters, apostolic sisters, evangelical sisters, monastics, and sisters in societies of apostolic life. Choose to "like" their social media pages and keep updated on their mission, charism, and spirituality.

Invite coworkers, associates, students, and nones into a conversation using the NRVC Study and Reflection Guide, which features 8 topics with comments from newer entrants to religious life, reflection questions, and inspirational quotes.

Write a poem and encourage others to publicize your poetry! Here's a beautiful poem written by NRVC member, Sister Cathy K. Tshitenge, f.m.m. to share with others:

Who is a Catholic Sister?
She is a woman of faith, strength, courage, and vision.
A follower of Jesus and doer of the Word of God,
A daughter attentive to the cries of the poor, women, children, and migrants.
An advocate of keeping our planet and environment healthy and clean.
A person who prioritizes personal and communal prayer.
A voice for the voiceless and outcasts of society.
A fearless woman of hope and peace.
A caregiver, a listening ear, and a compassionate person towards the sick, children, and the aged.
Let us Celebrate our Catholic Sisters now and always…

Quotes from the NRVC Focus groups of newer entrants
who entered religious life from 2003-2018

"When I met our Sisters, I was not discerning, but I was very struck by how authentic they were, that they were each totally themselves, and they were really happy, and joyful, and normal, and so that was what drew me to our community."

"I saw the passion of our sisters who fight for social justice whether it be the unborn, or those at the border. And that passion for social justice is filled with compassion. Passion with a lot of compassion. That's what fires me; that is what keeps me here."

"I just attended the final profession Mass for four women. Every Sister from around the country came. After they took their final vows, they stood at the front of the Church. Every Sister in the Church got up and walked to them. It took over an hour just to do that. All I could think of is, "This is why I'm here." I didn't know ten people in the whole Church. I just knew I wanted to be part of that."

Religious Brothers Day

May 1

Religious Brothers Day is held annually on May 1, the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker.  All religious brothers are recognized during this international event. Prayer services and reflections for celebrating this day are available at ReligiousBrothers.org 


Some ways to celebrate Religious Brothers Day are:


  1. Choose a community from the list below to learn more about the vocation of Brother. 
  2. Write a note of gratitude for Brothers to post on your social media and/or mail to a Brother.
  3. Ask to pray with the Brothers at one of their many ministries.
  4. Watch several videos about Brothers and share them with friends.
  5. Learn more about the contributions Brothers have made over the years.
  6. Invite someone to consider learning more about Brothers and to consider discerning their vocation as a Brother.
  7. Reach out to a vocation director who is a Brother and ask for some promotional materials to include in your own table of resources.

Quotes from the NRVC Focus groups of newer entrants
who entered religious life from 2003-2018

"The laughter, the prayer, age was never an issue for me. The one thing that was consistent was the relationships and the mentorships. And that real sense of just being Brother. Centered in Christ, first and foremost, and then with the community life, being able to take it to the apostolate and to give witness, as a community, was probably the best thing" (about being a Brother).

 "To see these men, priests and brothers, working together on a project that seemed worth doing. They were very, very much individuals, unique, bringing very different things to the work, bringing different gifts to a work that seemed desperately in need of being well done."

"I did not know religious life where I was growing up because there was no  religious around the area. It wasn't until later in life that I found out that there was religious, and there were also religious Brothers. That's really what attracted me to the community was more of the sense of family, the sense of prayer, and a sense of equality."

Additional Resources

The NRVC has published a series of Abundant Hope videos which includes Brothers. The following videos are publicly available to share for Religious Brothers Day and at other events to promote the vocation of Brother:

  1. Brother Joseph Bach, O.S.F.
  2. Brother Alfred George, fms
  3. Brother Peter Lamick, C.S.V.
  4. Brother Paschal Listi, fbp
  5. Brother Antony Julius Milton, O.F.M. Cap.
  6. Brother Blair Paulus Nuyda, A.A.
  7. Brother Allen Agpaoa Pacquing, S.M.
  8. Brother Rafael Vargas, S.D.B.
  9. Brother Martin Zewe, F.S.C.

Links to Religious Institutes of Brothers

Alexian Brothers

Brothers of Saint John

Brothers of the Christian Schools

Brothers of the Christian Schools, Eastern North America

Brothers of the Sacred Heart, Province of the United States

Christian Brothers Conference, Regional Office

Congregation of Christian Brothers (Edmund Rice Christian Brothers)

De La Salle Christian Brothers, Midwest 

De La Salle Christian Brothers, San Francisco, New Orle

Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn

Franciscan Brothers of Peace

Hospitaller Brothers of St. John of God

Marist Brothers

Xaverian Brothers


Links to Religious Institutes of Brothers and Priests 

Augustinian Friars

Augustinian Friars, Western Province

Augustinians of the Assumption

Benedictine Monks, Assumption Abbey

Benedictine Monks, Christ the King Priory

Benedictine Monks, Glastonbury Abbey

Benedictine Monks, Mount Michael Abbey

Benedictine Monks, Newark Abbey

Benedictine Monks, Portsmouth Abbey

Benedictine Monks, Saint Procopius Abbey

Benedictine Monks, Saint John Abbey

Benedictine Monks, Saint Meinrad Archabbey

Canons Regular of the Holy Cross

Capuchin Franciscans, Custody of Puerto Rico

Capuchin Franciscans, Province of St. Joseph

Carmelite Fathers and Brothers, Province of St. Elias

Carmelite Friars, Most Pure Heart of Mary Province

Claretian Missionaries

Clerics Regular of Saint Paul

Congregation of Holy Cross

Congregation of the Holy Spirit

Congregation of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood

Congregation of the Resurrection, CA

Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Crosier Fathers and Brothers

Discalced Carmelite Friars, Oklahoma Province of St. Therese

Dominican Friars, Saint Martin de Porres

Franciscan Friars of the Atonement

Franciscan Friars, Conventual, Our Lady of Consolation

Franciscan OFM Friars - U.S. 6

Glenmary Home Missioners

Jesuit Fathers and Brothers, Central and Southern Province

Jesuit Fathers and Brothers, East Province

Jesuit Fathers and Brothers, Midwest Province

Jesuit Fathers and Brothers, Western Province

Jesuit Fathers of Canada

Josephite Fathers and Brothers


Marianists, Province of Meribah

Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers

Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette

Missionaries of the Precious Blood

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Canada

Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity

Missionhurst Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Nortbertines of St. Norbert Abbey

Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, Wilmington-Philadelphia

Order of Friar Servants of Mary

Order of the Most Holy Trinity

Pallotines, Immaculate Conception Province

Pallotines, Mother of God Province

Passionists, Holy Cross Province

Passionists, Paul of the Cross Province

PIME Ministries

Priests of the Sacred Heart, Dehonians


Redemptorists, Edmonton-Toronto Province

Salesians of Don Bosco, Eastern Province

Salesians of Don Bosco, Western Province

Society of Jesus, East Province

Society of Divine Savior

Society of the Divine Word

Somascan Fathers and Brothers

Sons of Our Mother of Peace

Trappist Cistercian Monks, New Clairvaux

Trappist Cistercian Monks, New Mellerary Abbey



Vincentians, Eastern Province

Vincentians, Western Province

Xaverian Missionaries

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

May 11, 2025

About World Day of Prayer of Vocations

On this 62nd anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, also liturgically known as Good Shepherd Sunday,  we are invited to pray for and promote all vocations.  Initiated by Saint Paul VI during the Second Vatican Council in 1964, the purpose of this day is to help all of us respond to God's call and to support in prayer all those who are discerning how to best respond to the needs of today in the vocation God calls them to be.

Participating in parish life is a way individuals can discern their vocation and receive prayerful support from parishioners. Matter of fact, people in parishes are more likely to encourage someone to discern their vocation than their own family members! Consider connecting with parishes and asking for opportunities to share information and resources about religious vocations. Examples include:

  • Speaking before, during, or after liturgical celebrations.
  • Presenting in youth and young adult religious education classes.
  • Sharing NRVC resources as bulletin inserts. See a list of NRVC resources below.
  • Facilitating communal prayer services on college campuses and spaces where young adults gather.
  • Sharing your favorite vocation discernment prayers or songs.
  • Taking photos of people specifically praying for vocations to post on social media. 
  • Showcasing your Chapel and sacred spaces available for others to join you in praying for vocations. 

Many parishes and religious institutes commemorate this day by praying for vocations and supporting vocation promotion events. Considering that 73 percent of women and men professing final vows participated in one or more parish activities and 88 percent served in one or more parish ministries before entering religious life, our presence and participation in activities that mark this special day are essential.

Of particular note, respondents to the 2020 NRVC/CARA Study of Recent Vocations to Religious Life reported that the day-to-day rhythm of communal prayer is paramount in community life. Below are the types of prayer preferred by newer entrants:

Prayer is essential in all of our lives, join a global effort in praying for vocations on May 11, 2025!

Quotes from the NRVC Focus groups of newer entrants
who entered religious life from 2003-2018

"I think it was the 80-year-old Brothers, the wisdom figures of the community that were always the first in the Chapel and the last at the dining room table. I would always try to get there before them and never could. They were always there and you could count on them." 

"I've noticed in the last ten years that young people seem to have a deeper interest in spirituality and what is their purpose in life. I don't know what brings that change about, I don't know whether it is the Holy Spirit at work, which I'm assuming that it would be, but there does seem to be a different attitude."

"I find most rewarding is our truly deep desire to seek God together and what God is calling us to in this time and place. I also deeply appreciate our prayer that sustains us."

"The most rewarding aspect of religious life is our community living. In community, we pray, live, recreate, and minister together. Our cohesiveness and sense of identity as religious serving others as ministers of the Gospel is wonderful!"

Cultivate within our hearts, minds, and spirits--our very selves--the disposition to fully live out our vocations, which have been planted in our hearts through our baptism,

And grant us the grace to say yes to our call daily, irrespective of how we may feel from moment to moment.

Let us know that we can come to You as we are, wherever we are, and as we accompany those discerning Your call. Help us to hear and

Listen to Your voice amid the various voices vying for our attention so that we may take the right actions that lead to abundant life.

Ignite in us a hope-filled passion for service, using our gifts to bring your Reign to fruition today and always.

Never let us forget that all we have are indeed gifts from You and that we are called to

Give all we are and have in love and service to You in our sisters and brothers. Amen.

Additional Resources

Please note: NRVC members can download these resources in the Member Toolbox as a benefit or purchase them through these links. 

Litany for Vocations Handout

Black Religious Prayer Card

Busy Persons Retreat booklet

I hope You Find prayer card

I Hope You Find prayer card in Spanish

Hearing God's Call: Thirty days of vocation discernment booklet

Listening to the Call prayer cards

Responsibilities of Members for Vocation Ministry Handout

VISION Vocation Network articles on prayer

 Resources offered by the USCCB

Resources offered by Serra International

Rosary for Vocations with the Luminous Mysteries 

Papal Messages for World Day of Prayer for Vocations

In this sense, the World Day of Prayer for Vocations has a synodal character: amid the variety of our charisms, we are called to listen to one another and to journey together in order to acknowledge them and to discern where the Spirit is leading us for the benefit of all.

At this point in time, then, our common journey is bringing us to the Jubilee Year of 2025. Let us travel as pilgrims of hope towards the Holy Year, for by discovering our own vocation and its place amid the different gifts bestowed by the Spirit, we can become for our world messengers and witnesses of Jesus’ dream of a single human family, united in God’s love and in the bond of charity, cooperation and fraternity.

This is, in the end, the goal of every vocation: to become men and women of hope. As individuals and as communities, amid the variety of charisms and ministries, all of us are called to embody and communicate the Gospel message of hope in a world marked by epochal challenges.

                 -Pope Francis,  World Day of Prayer for Vocations, 2024

2024 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message

2023 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message

2022 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message

2021 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message

2020 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message

2019 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message

2018 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message

2017 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.

2016 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.

2015 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.

2014 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.

2013 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.

2012 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.

2011 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.

2010 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.

2009 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.

2008 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.

2007 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.

2006 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.

2019 NRVC Workshop Information

Schedule & fees

NRVC folders and badges

General Information

This year, NRVC is offering nine workshops intended for vocation ministers, formation teams, communicators, religious leadership, and others entrusted with the assessment of discerners and candidates. Workshops are designed from the NRVC three-component curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. 

These workshops are in line with the mission of the National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) to provide membership with educational opportunities, resources, and other supportive services that strengthen and enhance the practiced ministerial skills of those serving in vocation ministry. NRVC strongly suggests that vocation ministers participate in continuing educational opportunities not only to attend to their own vocation and faith formation and to further develop their professional competencies, but to keep up-to-date on trends, issues, skills, and best practices in the field of vocation ministry.  


2019 Workshop Schedule 

Summer Institute at Catholic Theological Union,  Chicago, IL

Click here to register for the Summer Institute

Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors,  July 9-13

Ethical Issues for Vocation and Formation Directors, July 15-16

Behavioral Assessment 1,  July 18-20

Due Diligence in Vocation Ministry,  July 18-20

Communication Skills to Promote Vocations,  July 22-24

Fall Institute at Marillac Center, Leavenworth, KS

click here to register for the Fall Institute

Behavioral Assessment 2, October 8-9

Behavioral Assessment 1, October 11-13

Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors, October 15-19

The Art of Accompaniment and Discernment, October 21-23

Workshop registration fees

Workshops are open to NRVC members at a discounted rate and for non-members at an affordable price. All NRVC workshops (which includes lunch) are consistently priced at $175 per day per NRVC member, regardless of the topic or speaker. Non-members pay $260 (an additional 50%) per person per day for each workshop. If you would like to become a member to receive the discounted rate, click here. Overnight accommodations are $115 per night for anyone in need of housing regardless of membership status. 

Late Registration

Registrations for workshops received after the following dates will incur a $100 late fee per workshop:

Summer Institute:                     The late fee begins on June 23

Fall Institute:                             The late fee begins on September 22


Cancellations for workshops and/or accommodations must be received in writing to debbiesscm@nrvc.net before the dates listed below receive a full refund, less a $100 processing fee per workshop. After the deadline, all fees are non-refundable for the cancellation of workshops and/or accommodations. 

Summer Institute:         The cancellation deadline is June 23.

Fall Institute:                 The cancellation deadline is September 22.

Financial assistance available

To assist NRVC members with their professional development, the Misericordia Scholarship Fund is available. Scholarship funds can be applied to NRVC workshops, however they do not cover the cost of transportation, accommodations, meals, or personal expenses. If you need financial assistance to attend an NRVC workshop, please email Sr. Debbie at debbiesscm@nrvc.net for an application.

Workshop terms and conditions

Please read our NRVC terms and conditions for all events and programs.

The programme was very well organized. I appreciated the schedule and the interaction from the presenters and participants. Everything was close in proximity, access to food, Mass, internet, etc.

Sister Winfridah Chileshe, R.S.C. from Dublin, Ireland

I appreciated Sr. Debbie’s knowledge, helpfulness, insights and generosity. I feel the members of our vocation and leadership team ought to attend these workshops. 

--Sister Cheryl Wint, O.S.F. from Honolulu, Hawaii 

2019 Summer Institute

Registration is now open

Click here to register for the Summer Institute

The NRVC will offer five workshops in Chicago July 9-24. The following courses will be offered, all of them on the campus of the Catholic Theological Union in the dynamic lakeside neighborhood of Hyde Park. Workshops begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 4:30 p.m. For more information and to register, please click on the links for each workshop:

Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors
July 9-13

Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry
July 15-16

Behavioral Assessment 1
July 18-20

Due Diligence in Vocation Ministry
(for those involved in vocation ministry for four years or more)
July 18-20

Communication Skills to Promote Vocations
July 22-24


Taking part in the 2018 Summer Institute are Sister Linda Van Bussel, R.S.M., from Sisters of Mercy of New Zealand, and Father Richard Goodin, O.F.M., Province of St. John the Baptist.


Helpful information

Our annual Summer Institute will offer five workshops at Catholic Theological Union (CTU) in Chicago, July 9-24, 2019. Choose to attend one or several workshops. Located in the popular Hyde Park neighborhood at 5401 S. Cornell Avenue, CTU is easily accessible from both Midway (MDW) and O’Hare (ORD) airports by shuttle, taxi, and Uber/Lyft. CTU is located on the South Side of Chicago, on the shore of Lake Michigan and the home of NRVC. Parking and lunch are included in your workshop registration for both residents and commuters.

This year we are offering two workshops simultaneously July 18-20 to provide a membership density experience. You will have the opportunity to network with more people at breaks and lunch to magnify your experience for a greater impact in your ministry.

Overnight Accommodations

For the convenience of participants, affordable housing is contracted through CTU. Enjoy the convenience of having a private air-conditioned bedroom and bathroom, along with linen service, wi-fi and continental breakfast. It is within walking distance of several restaurants for supper (they also deliver), Lake Michigan, Walgreens, Office Depot, the Post Office, and the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry. The CTA bus comes frequently to go to the Chicago Loop just seven miles away. Limited rooms are available; make your overnight accommodations when you register for your workshop. Please do not call CTU for reservations as we are in a contract for blocked rooms.

If you need overnight accommodations at CTU, register as a resident (if you will drive to/from the workshops each day, register as a commuter). Reservations are contracted for arrivals after 3:00 p.m. the day before the workshop begins and check-out is at 9:00 a.m. the day after the workshop ends. This means you are responsible for the full payment of the room reservation, regardless of your arrival and departure date. Unfortunately, room reservations cannot be made for earlier arrivals or later departures. Please call us if you are traveling from overseas to check availability to accommodate your special needs. You can store your luggage at the NRVC offices until you are ready to leave on the day of your departure. If you are staying for the next workshop, you will not need to check out. 

Please note that these accommodations are designed very simply for university students and short stays at an affordable rate of $115 per night, per person. If you need more amenities, make your reservation at local hotels located just a half mile away: LaQuinta Inn, Sophy Hyde Park Hotel, and Hyatt Place Chicago-South. Therefore, if you are staying elsewhere and do not need overnight accommodations at CTU, register as a commuter.

Daily Liturgy

As per our custom, Mass is celebrated daily during all workshops. We rely on our ordained participants to preside and welcome all others to assist in liturgical leadership. All workshops begin with communal prayer and there is a Chapel located on campus for personal prayer. The local parish is within walking distance.

Late Registration

Registrations for workshops received after June 23 will incur a $100 late fee per workshop.


Cancellations for workshops and/or accommodations must be received in writing to debbiesscm@nrvc.net before June 23 to receive a full refund, less a $100 processing fee per workshop. After the deadline, all fees are non-refundable for the cancellation of workshops and/or accommodations. 

I really liked the location in Chicago because there are so many places to go for food and entertainment. I liked the hands-on approach in all the workshops. I will be using ideas from the presentations in my daily work. 

--Sister Carolyn Brink, RSM

Summer Institute provides a variety of religious communities/orders the opportunity for sharing of experiences and rich insights from the presenters. 

--Brother Stephen Kpunsa, F.M.S. from Poughkeepsie, NY

Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors

July 9-13, 2019

Click here to register now

This workshop is intended for new and recently appointed vocation directors. Its goal is to provide participants with the skills, context, theory, challenges and practicalities of contemporary vocation ministry. Topics will include foundational elements of vocation ministry; assessment of inquirers and discerners; application and admission process; vocation promotion, ethics and boundaries, resiliency and self-care of the vocation director.


Please note this workshop ends at 4:30 p.m. on July 13. Overnight accommodations are contracted for 6 nights, arrival on July 8 and check out on July 14.

Workshop fees

Workshop fees include materials, speaker stipends, facility rentals and lunch. The fees do NOT include supper. Residents are provided with a continental breakfast. 

Commuter:       $875 NRVC member             $1,300 Non-NRVC member

Resident:          $1,565 NRVC member           $1,990 Non-NRVC member            

Late registration

Registrations received after June 22 incur a $100 late fee. 


Cancellations for workshops and accommodations must be received in writing to debbiesscm@nrvc.net before June 23 to receive a full refund less a $100 processing fee. After June 23., all fees are non refundable. 


Sister Deborah M. Borneman, SS.C.M. began working for the NRVC in 2011 and presently serves as the Director of Member Relations and Services. A Sister of Saints Cyril and Methodius, she served 10 years as vocation director for her community and is currently serving on her congregational leadership team. Sr. Debbie has previous ministerial experience in pastoral care, youth ministry, college campus ministry and immigration advocacy. She has presented on various topics in vocation ministry in Ireland and throughout the United States. Sr. Debbie holds a Master of Divinity degree and a Master of Arts Degree in Pastoral Studies (Loyola University, Chicago).  


Father Adam MacDonald, S.V.D. is a native of Flint, Michigan and ordained for the Society of the Divine Word.  Since 2011, Fr. Adam has served as a Vocation Director for his congregation. He previously served in the Philippines, on the Provincial Council for the Chicago Province and as Vice-Provincial. Fr. Adam holds a Master of Divinity degree (Catholic Theological Union, Chicago) and a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Center for Spiritual Development, California. He currently serves on the NRVC National Board executive committee and has previously served on the NRVC Editorial Board and the Vocation Ambassador Design team. 


Brother Chris Patiño, FSC is a De La Salle Christian Brother and currently serves as Director of Vocation Ministry for the Christian Brothers’ U.S.A. western province. He previously served in education and on his Provincial Council. Br. Chris holds an undergraduate degree in Religious Studies (University of Arizona) and a Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies (Loyola University, Chicago).  In addition to his responsibilities as vocation director, he serves on the Board of Trustees of De La Salle North Catholic High School in Portland, the Religious Brothers Conference Board, and as NRVC West Coast Member Area Co-coordinator.

The content was excellent, and the resources helped to deepen understanding and engagement with the topic. The presentations were clear, concise, giving opportunity to interact with everyone. 

–Sr. Carmel Ryan, D.C. from Vocations Ireland

The program was very informative and helpful. The schedule was perfect, a good balance to work, play and pray. I found the resources to be informative and helpful and a nice combination of presentations. 

–Brother Al Rivera, FMS from New York City

This program went beyond my expectations. I couldn’t imagine not taking this course. The information is very helpful and eye opening. I appreciated very much that the 3 presenters were very knowledgeable and truly enjoying their ministry. It is evident that the presenters are genuinely concerned about our growth and learning. 

–Father Sebastian Sandoval, OFM from Los Angeles, CA

Workshops are designed from the NRVC three-component curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. NRVC recommends that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation, faith formation, and to further develop their professional competencies. Please read the terms and conditions of all NRVC programs and events.

Register now, click here

This workshop is also offered October 15-19, 2019

Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry Workshop

July 15-16, 2019

Click here to register now

This workshop will explore ethical principles governing confidentiality, agency and obligations related to positions of trust. The workshop will also address issues related to dissemination of information, the timeliness of admissions or dismissal decisions, and other issues related to ethical rights of candidates as well as ethical rights of those in positions of authority. This workshop is essential for all those who make decisions concerning the admission of candidates.

Please note this workshop ends at 4:30 p.m. on July 16. Overnight accommodations are contracted for 3 nights, arrival on July 14 and check out on July 17.

Workshop fees

Workshop fees include materials, speaker, facility fees and lunch. The fees do not include supper. Residents are provided with a continental breakfast.

Commuter:        $350 – NRVC Member               $520 – Non-NRVC Member

Resident:           $695 – NRVC Member               $865 – Non-NRVC Member            


Late registration

Registrations received after June 22 incur a $100 late fee. 


Cancellations for workshops and accommodations must be received in writing to debbiesscm@nrvc.net before June 23 to receive a full refund less a $100 processing fee. After June 23., all fees are non refundable. 


Reverend Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D. is a priest of the Archdiocese of Portland, OR. He has taught at both the secondary and university levels, and presently teaches at Mount Angel Seminary Graduate School of Theology in Saint Benedict, Oregon. Fr. Carey holds a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He has presented workshops in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. He is a past recipient of the NRVC Harvest Award for his work in service of vocation ministry.

This workshop was very clear. I enjoyed the new understanding of boundaries, the rights and responsibilities of vocation ministers and candidates and the role of agency and power. The opened of participants who were able to ask questions helped me to go deeper into the topic. I am grateful for what I learned during this workshop. 

–Sister Marie Kampororo, SMSM from France

The Code of Ethics is very useful for me in vocation and formation ministry. This workshop was relevant, interesting and appropriate to name the at-risk behaviors and healthy boundaries. 

–Monsignor Esau Joseph from Trinidad, West Indies

It was inspiring to house ethical issues with the strong underpinning of reverence and respect of persons. It was very helpful to review and concretize the meaning and implications of agency and fiduciary trust. The real life stories made it very practical, thank you for the matrix of shalom. 

–Sr. Brenda Lynn McHugh, D.S.M.P. from Lake Zurich, IL

Workshops are designed from the NRVC three-component curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. NRVC recommends that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation, faith formation, and to further develop their professional competencies. Please read the terms and conditions of all NRVC programs and events.

Register now, click here

This workshop is offered annually at Summer Institute.

Behavioral Assessment 1 Workshop

July 18-20, 2019

Click here to register now

This workshop presents practical interviewing techniques housed in a theoretical framework of behavioral assessment. While the focus of the workshop is on initial assessment of candidates, the methodology easily applies to assessing candidates in other stages of formation as well. Workshop participants study sample case reports and learn skills for interviewing as well as guidelines for organizing the information into useful reports. Interview topics include: family background, educational and occupational histories, psychosexual histories and intimacy skills, faith history, and other pertinent issues related to comprehensive vocation assessment.


Please note this workshop ends at 4:30 p.m. on July 20. Overnight accommodations are contracted for 4 nights, arrival on July 17 and check out on July 21.

Workshop fees

Workshop fees include materials, speaker, facility fees and lunch. The fees do not include supper. Residents are provided with a continental breakfast.

Commuter:       $525    NRVC Member                $780       Non-NRVC member

Resident:          $985    NRVC Member               $1,240     Non-NRVC Member 


Late registration

Registrations received after June 22 incur a $100 late fee. 


Cancellations for workshops and accommodations must be received in writing to debbiesscm@nrvc.net before June 23 to receive a full refund less a $100 processing fee. After June 23., all fees are non refundable. 


Reverend Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D. is a priest of the Archdiocese of Portland, OR. He has taught at both the secondary and university levels, and presently teaches at Mount Angel Seminary Graduate School of Theology in Saint Benedict, Oregon. Fr. Carey holds a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He has presented workshops in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. He is a past recipient of the NRVC Harvest Award for his work in service of vocation ministry.

This topic is very useful for people who are involved in vocation ministry and I felt there were good tools given that will be helpful. I would recommend this workshop to not only vocation directors; the program is good for the whole team. 

–Sr. Josefina Ramac, SP from Renton, WA

It was eye opening for me as a new member of the vocation team. This workshop gave me an overview of what assessment is all about. I also appreciated the awareness that I acquired about the complexity and depth of vocation discernment. 

–Rev. Guillermo Hernandez from the Diocese of Sacramento

Having actual cases to review was very helpful. I learned a lot in the workshop and I have a good idea on how to grow going forward. Fr. Ray practices what he teaches and is very credible. This is a great way to prepare for vocation ministry. 

–Br. Jason Graves OFM Cap. from Chicago, IL

Workshops are designed from the NRVC three-component curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. NRVC recommends that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation, faith formation, and to further develop their professional competencies. Please read the terms and conditions of all NRVC programs and events.

Register now, click here

This workshop is also offered October 11-13, 2019

Due Diligence in Vocation Ministry Workshop

July 18-20, 2019

Click here to register now

This workshop is designed for experienced vocation ministers who have been involved in vocation ministry for at least three years. It will provide a comprehensive approach to update participants on the trends, best practices, and challenges of contemporary vocation ministry. Topics include the demographics to consider when inviting discerners, specific candidate issues that delay or preclude admission, animating membership and the latest research on newer members. Using several skillful presenters, this workshop will be highly interactive with ample time for individual and group processing based upon the ministerial experiences of participants.

Please note this workshop ends at 4:30 p.m. on July 20. Overnight accommodations are contracted for 4 nights, arrival on July 17 and check out on July 20.

Workshop fees

Workshop fees include materials, speaker, facility fees and lunch. The fees do not include supper. Residents are provided with a continental breakfast.

Commuter:        $525 – NRVC Member               $780  –   Non-NRVC Member

Resident:           $985 – NRVC Member               $1,240 – Non-NRVC Member  


Late registration

Registrations received after June 22 incur a $100 late fee. 


Cancellations for workshops and accommodations must be received in writing to debbiesscm@nrvc.net before June 23 to receive a full refund less a $100 processing fee. After June 23, all fees are non refundable. 


Sister Deborah M. Borneman, SS.C.M. began working for the NRVC in 2011 and presently serves as the Director of Member Relations and Services. A Sister of Saints Cyril and Methodius, she served 10 years as vocation director for her community and is currently serving on her congregational leadership team. Sr. Debbie has previous ministerial experience in pastoral care, youth ministry, college campus ministry and immigration advocacy. She has presented on various topics in vocation ministry in Ireland and throughout the United States. Sr. Debbie holds a Master of Divinity degree and a Master of Arts Degree in Pastoral Studies (Loyola University, Chicago).  


Sister Mary Beth Bromer, CSFN, is a member of the Felician Sisters of Our Lady of Hope Province. She has served as Candidate Director and Vocation Minister for the North American Province. Currently, she is a member of the Province’s Vocation Ministry team. Sr. Mary Beth is a certified Director of Religious Education and currently ministers full-time in that capacity for a parish on the southwest side of Chicago. Sr. Mary Beth enjoys working with at-risk teens and previously coached junior high athletes. holds a Master of Arts degree in Pastoral Studies (Loyola University, Chicago) and a certificate in Parish Leadership from St. Xavier University. 


Sister Judith A. Smith, RSM, Psy.D. serves as a professional consultant for the Saint John Vianney Center and currently serves as Life Coordinator for the Convent of Mercy. She is both a licensed clinical psychologist and a registered nurse. Sister Judith holds Doctorate and Master of Arts degrees in Clinical Psychology (Widener University) and a Master of Education in Counseling Psychology (Temple University). Her previous professional experience includes assessment and treatment for Catholic religious women and men for residential and post-residential treatment as well as medical/surgical and psychiatric nursing.


Sister Ann David Strohminger OSF, MS, RN, ACC serves as a professional consultant for the Saint John Vianney Center and is the Delegate for Religious for the Diocese of Wilmington. Previously, she served for 28 years as a Pastoral Counselor including Director of the Pastoral Counseling Department at the Saint John Vianney Center. Sr. Ann David holds a BS in nursing (Neumann University) and an MS in Pastoral Counseling (Loyola University, Maryland). She is a Fellow in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors. She also has ministerial experience in vocation and formation within her congregation and is certified in Gestalt Therapy.


Mr. Len Uhal is the National Vocation Director for the Divine Word Missionaries since 2003. Len earned a Bachelor of Arts degree (Divine Word College, Iowa) and a Master of Science degree (Cardinal Stritch University, Milwaukee). After eight years of formation with the Society of Divine Word Missionaries, he married in 1990.  He lives in Dubuque, Iowa with his wife, Sue, and he has three children and two grandchildren.  Previously, Len worked twelve years as a certified drug and alcohol counselor and a licensed social worker.  Len currently serves on the NRVC Board and previously served as the Heartland member area Coordinator.

This workshop is newly created in 2019 from feedback from NRVC members who desire to update their skills, interact with others who support vocation ministry and to obtain accurate information on promotion, screening and assessment.

Workshops are designed from the NRVC three-component curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. NRVC recommends that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation, faith formation, and to further develop their professional competencies. Please read the terms and conditions of all NRVC programs and events.

Register now, click here

Communication Skills to Promote Vocations Workshop

July 22-24, 2019

Click here to register now

This workshop is created from the syllabus of the NRVC Vocation Ambassadors Program and will teach those vested in vocation ministry and new membership how best to promote vocations through diverse platforms. This interactive, hands-on workshop will focus on practicing new ideas, strategizing for more effective communications and avoiding online mistakes. Learn practical tips for developing your social media platforms, website, newsletter, and other technology to share your unique charism. Through a variety of skilled presenters, participants can evaluate their time, resources and techniques to reach inquirers in this highly digitalized era that is image driven and culturally diverse. Participants must bring a laptop and mobile device.

Bring along a millennial, member/employee/associate of your religious institute and you’ll receive a $300 refund at the conclusion of the workshop for the additional participant.

Please note this workshop ends at 4:30 p.m. on July 24. Overnight accommodations are contracted for 4 nights, arrival on July 21 and check out on July 25.

Workshop fees

Workshop fees include materials, speaker, facility fees and lunch. The fees do not include supper. Residents are provided with a continental breakfast.

Commuter:        $525 – NRVC Member               $780   –  Non-NRVC Member

Resident:           $985 – NRVC Member               $1,240 – Non-NRVC Member  


Late registration

Registrations received after June 22 incur a $100 late fee. 


Cancellations for workshops and accommodations must be received in writing to debbiesscm@nrvc.net before June 23 to receive a full refund less a $100 processing fee. After June 23., all fees are non refundable. 


Mr. Alex Cranstoun is the Media Manager for the Catholic Apostolate Center, where he manages the development, implementation, and maintenance of the Center’s social media, podcasts, webinars and promotional efforts in addition to other various media ventures. After joining the Center as an Intern in 2016, he found himself deeply enamored with its mission which empowers his work today. A native of Washington (the State), Alex was highly involved in ministry at his home parish and his Jesuit High School, as a retreat leader and later as a youth minister.


Father Frank Donio, SAC is the Director of the Catholic Apostolate Center and is a consultant to the USCCB Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis. Fr. Frank holds a Doctor of Ministry in Adult Spiritual Formation as well as a Bachelor of Arts in History and Church History (Catholic University of America). He also holds a Master of Divinity (Washington Theological Union) and a Master of Church Management (Villanova University School of Business). He has an extensive background in young adult ministry, vocation and formation ministry. Fr. Frank and the Center received the Gaudium et Spes Award from the National Association for Lay Ministry in 2018.


Sister Lisa Laguna, DC is the vocation directress for her province of the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul. Although a native of Los Angeles, she currently lives in the Silicon Valley/South Bay Area of California. Sister Lisa is an educator by profession, with a BA in Philosophy and an MS in Education, both from Mount St. Mary’s University, Los Angeles. She has had the joy of journeying with young people in discernment for the last nine years as vocation director for her province. Lisa currently serves on the NRVC Board and was the tech liaison for Convocation 2018, producing podcasts of the keynote presentations.


Ms. Siobhán O’Neill Meluso is the Communications Coordinator for the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago and a member of the Communicators for Women Religious. She previously worked as the Social Media Editor for TrueQuest Communications, which produces the VISION Vocation Guide and HORIZON. While employed at TrueQuest Communications, she was recognized in 2017 by the Associated Church Press "Best of the Christian Press" for Online/New Media: Social Media for her work on VISION Vocation Guide's social media accounts. Siobhan is married to her husband, Andres. She presented at the NRVC Vocation Ambassadors Program, 2016 and 2017.


Ms. Carol S. Scheiber has been publications editor for NRVC since 1998. Through TrueQuest Communications, she edits HORIZON, the NRVC newsletter, and VISION, and contributes to NRVC’s corresponding websites and social media. She helps form communications strategies for NRVC and various VISION advertisers seeking expert advice. She has applied her expertise in communications to numerous nonprofits over the years. She and her husband are parents to three young adults. Carol has been recognized annually by the Catholic Press Association and received the NRVC Harvest Award in 2000. She presented at the NRVC Vocation Ambassadors Program in 2016 and 2017.

I appreciated the fact that instructions took into account the many proficiency levels in the room. The presenters were extremely patient and helpful. It was a great workshop with great information and very organized. 

–Mrs. Nancy Costello for the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus from Philadelphia, PA

I loved the great interaction and collaboration in formal activities and informal settings to sharpen our language. The presenters were sincere and helpful, and responsive to our needs. 

–Sr. Kathy Kurdziel, IHM from Scranton, PA

I enjoyed the use of video clips to portray the tutorials. The use of team work was very helpful. The combination of different presenters was valuable for this workshop. 

–Fr. Kenneth Keke, SSJ from Washington D.C.

Workshops are designed from the NRVC three-component curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. NRVC recommends that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation, faith formation, and to further develop their professional competencies. Please read the terms and conditions of all NRVC programs and events.

Register now, click here

Board Nominations ...
The National Board extends an invitation to all NRVC members to ...  More
Talk it up Tuesdays! ...
These 60-minute Zoom gatherings are designed for members to learn together, ...  More
World Day for Consecrated Life ...
There are several ways to celebrate World Day for Consecrated Life! ...  More
HORIZON Fall 2024 ...
This edition focuses on discernment, particularly how vocation ministers can accompany ...  More
Get involved in your Member ...
NRVC Member Areas are created to come together to share best ...  More
Bold and Faithful Storymap ...
Our Bold and Faithful Storymap links people interested in religious life ...  More

NRVC Member Areas

Click here to locate the Member Area Coordinators in your Member Area. 


Southwest Member Area Gathering

January 15, 2025,

via Zoom

National Office Closed

January 20,

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Heartland Member Area Gathering

January 22, 2025,

via Zoom

Talk it Up Tuesdays

Starting Jan. 28,

Mark your calendars...

Delaware Valley Member Area Gathering

February 12, 2025,

via Zoom

Catholic Sisters Week

March 8-14, 2025,

Ideas to celebrate...

Religious Brothers Day

May 1, 2025,

Resources to celebrate...

World Day for Consecrated Life

February 2, 2025,

Plan now....

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

May 11, 2025,

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National Vocation Awareness Week

November 2-8, 2025,


Renew your NRVC membership