Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors

Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors

July 12-16, 2022

Thank you to our 2022 cohort--registration is closed.

This workshop is intended for new and recently appointed vocation directors. Its goal is to provide participants with the skills, context, theory, challenges and practicalities of contemporary vocation ministry. Topics will include foundational elements of vocation ministry; assessment of inquirers and discerners; application and admission process; vocation promotion, ethics and boundaries, resiliency and self-care of the vocation director.

This online workshop will keep your attention with four dynamic presenters covering over 70 topics for new vocation ministers. Participant networking is encouraged throughout the workshop with small group breakout sessions.  All workshop materials are mail to your home before the workshop begins.

Please note this five day workshop begins each day at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. Central time. There are 2 scheduled breaks along with a 60 minute lunch from noon to 1:00 p.m. (CT) to avoid screen fatigue. 

Workshop fees

NRVC member: $975                                      Non-member: $1400

Become an NRVC member here to save on workshop fees.   

Register for this workshop by clicking here to access our online store.    


Cancellations for workshops must be received in writing to debbiesscm@nrvc.net before June 30 to receive a full refund less a $100 processing fee. After June 30, all fees are non refundable. 


Brother Joseph Bach, O.S.F., is a Franciscan Brother of Brooklyn and currently ministers as Director of Vocations for his Congregation. Previously, he ministered in Education as a teacher and administrator on the elementary, secondary, and university levels. He holds a Master of Arts degree in Education from St. Xavier University, a graduate certificate in Franciscan Studies, and is currently completing a Post Master’s Certificate in Spiritual Formation at Boston College.  He also studied at the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University of Louisiana. Brother Joseph also serves as one of the NRVC Hudson Valley Member Area Coordinators and serves on the Council of Religious for the Diocese of Brooklyn.


Sister Deborah M. Borneman, SS.C.M. began working for the NRVC in 2011 and presently serves as the Director of Mission Integration. A Sister of Saints Cyril and Methodius, she previously served 10 years as vocation director for her community and on her congregational leadership team. Sr. Debbie has previous ministerial experience in pastoral care, youth ministry, college campus ministry and immigration advocacy. She has presented on various topics in vocation ministry in Ireland and throughout the United States. Sr. Debbie holds a Master of Divinity degree and a Master of Arts Degree in Pastoral Studies (Loyola University, Chicago).  


Brother John Eustice, C.S.V.  is a Viatorian brother and has been involved in vocation ministry since 2014. He has served has as Coordinator of Vocation Ministry for five years. Br. John has an undergraduate degree in education from UNLV and holds a Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University, Chicago. He has served as a youth and young adult campus minister, a parish pastoral associate in Central America, and most recently, a high school administrator of mission and identity. Br. John is currently a full-time student in the Master of Divinity ordination program at Catholic Theological Union, Chicago.


Father Adam MacDonald, S.V.D. is a native of Flint, Michigan and ordained for the Society of the Divine Word.  Since 2011, Fr. Adam has served as a Vocation Director for his congregation. He previously served in the Philippines, on the Provincial Council for the Chicago Province and as Vice-Provincial. Fr. Adam holds a Master of Divinity degree (Catholic Theological Union, Chicago) and a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Center for Spiritual Development, California. He currently serves on the NRVC National Board executive committee and has previously served on the NRVC Editorial Board and the Vocation Ambassador Design team. 


Financial assistance available

To assist NRVC members with their professional development, the Misericordia Scholarship Fund is available. Scholarship funds can be applied to NRVC workshops; however, they do not cover the cost of transportation, accommodations, meals or personal expenses. If you need financial assistance to attend an NRVC workshop, please apply here

Workshop terms and conditions

Please read our NRVC terms and conditions for all events and programs.

I found the whole program very helpful. I appreciated the different perspectives from the speakers and the variety of examples provided. Learning about setting boundaries and the specifics about psychological testing and assessment especially helpful. I found all the presenters competent and engaging. Thank You! I didn't have a clue as to what I didn't know - things vital to my role as vocation director. ​

--Sister Vickie Griner, osc

I appreciated that this workshop did not so much focus on "strategies" for recruitment as it did in "building up" our identity as vocation ministers. I also appreciated our reflections on Pope Francis's Christus Vivit. The people we minister to or we are seeking really are seeking God. There is a great desire and yearning among these sheep of God's flock to find the pasture that He calls each of them to. So, in a way, vocation ministry is an answer to a deep need to discover God's call. It is not as mechanical and business-like as it is sometimes made out to be.

                                                                                       --- Br. Daniele Caglioni, A.A. 

Being a layperson and new to vocation ministry, I found all aspects of the program helpful. The materials and small group conversation gave me a better understanding of vowed life and the complex role of the vocation director. I was pleasantly surprised at how effective and enjoyable this online format can be. I’ve always preferred traditional classroom settings but after participating in this program I wouldn’t hesitate to sign up for this format again. It was so well done. This workshop definitely exceeded my expectations. Thank you! ​

–Ms. Kathryn Davis for the Congregation of Bon Secours.

Workshops are designed from the NRVC three-component curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. NRVC recommends that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation, faith formation, and to further develop their professional competencies. Please read the terms and conditions of all NRVC programs and events.

Questions about Summer Institute workshops?

Please contact Sr. Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M. at debbiesscm@nrvc.net

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