National Vocation Awareness Week, Nov. 2-8, 2025
National Vocation Awareness Week, Nov. 2-8, 2025
National Vocation Awareness Week (NVAW) is an annual week-long celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promote vocations to ordained ministry and consecrated life through prayer, invitation, and education, and to renew our prayers and support for those who are considering these vocations.
Please avail yourself of the many resources NRVC offers to help promote NVAW in your community, parish, school, or campus ministry office. Note: for social media posts, use the hashtag #NVAW. or #NationalVocationAwarenessWeek.
The new interactive vocation resource showcases today’s Catholic sisters, nuns, brothers, and priests, the Bold and Faithful Storymap: Meet Today's Religious.
This storymap is designed for use by individuals considering a religious vocation and for parishes, campuses, and classrooms to promote vocations and connect those in religious life to everyday Catholics.
Featuring audio, video, articles, an interactive events calendar, and a religious institute map, the 2023 Bold and Faithful storymap is a companion resource, along with 2021 Religious Life Today storymap, to the NRVC’s 2020 Study on Recent Vocations to Religious Life.
Fifty Fun Facts about Religious Life handout
Responsibilities of Members for Vocation Ministry Handout
Ten Questions Parents ask about Vocations to Religious Life Brochure
Ten Questions People ask about Vocations to Religious Life Brochure
VISION Vocation Guide Digital Edition | VISION Article Index
What You Might not Know about Religious Life
Additional NRVC videos to share on your social media platforms are also available on the NRVC YouTube Channel, including our Learn it! Love it! Live it! webinar series.
VISION Vocation Network resources: NRVC's offers many vocation-related resources, including, articles, videos, prayers, and quizzes on vocation discernment and religious life. Order free VISION guide, prayer cards, and posters.
The USCCB website offers news releases, prayer cards, video clips, and other resources.
Global Sisters Report offers lessons for classrooms about Catholic Sisters.
Serra International offers Spark Vocation Tools.
Please send us any plans, photos, or news about your events celebrated during National Vocation Awareness Week. We're happy to spread the good news.
Observance of Vocation Awareness Week began in 1976 when the U.S. bishops designated the 28th Sunday of the year for the celebration. It was later moved to the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord in January. In 2014, after extensive consultation, the Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life, and Vocations moved the observance of National Vocation Awareness Week to November to engage Catholic schools and colleges more effectively in this effort.
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Sister Kim Xuan Nguyen C.C.V.I. is a chiropractor. But now, instead of, "Where does it hurt?" she may be more likely to ask, “What brings you joy?” She is the vocation minister for the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word in Houston. She’s also the Southwest Area Coordinator of the NRVC. Read more...
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Sr. Denise Glazik O.P.
11:23:54 - 2019. Dec 12
Thank you for ALL your hard work and graciousness at gatherings!
Br. Chris Patiño F.S.C.
23:17:14 - 2019. Oct 30
This was great! Thank you!
Fr. Daniel Bowen M.
03:17:14 - 2019. Oct 17
Very nice. Much thanks.
Fr. Lamar Partin C.Ss.R.
19:50:13 - 2019. Oct 15
Thanks Ya'll! These are great. I will def upload them to the Redemptorist Vocation Social Media during that week. I will also have the Province Social Media person upload them as well. "Well Done Good and Faithful Servant"
Sr. Anne Germaine Picard S.M.P.
16:46:09 - 2019. Oct 15
Thank you for these helpful resources!
Sr. Paula Gaudet DHM
14:52:40 - 2019. Oct 15
Wonderful videos to share... will certainly be loading them to our website during the week.
Sr. Tarianne DeYonker O.P.
13:55:42 - 2019. Oct 15
Love these videos! Thanks for them. Tarianne
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