Behavioral Assessment II, Oct. 20-21, 2017

Behavioral Assessment II, Oct. 20-21, 2017

Presenter: Father Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D.

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Prerequisite: Behavioral Assessment I must be taken at least nine months before taking for this workshop. This workshop is a follow-up to Behavioral Assessment I and builds upon those skills. It is directed to those who have had experience in conducting assessment interviews. Workshop participants are invited to come prepared with topics, discussion questions or case studies to consider during the workshop. 


This workshops starts at 9 a.m. each morning from Oct. 20-21. Please note that this workshop ends at 4:30 p.m. on October 21. Overnight accommodations are contracted for 3 nights with arrivals on October 19 and check out on October 22.


Workshop fees include materials, speaker, lunch, and facility fees.

Commuter:  $300 – NRVC Member      $450 – Non-NRVC Member
Resident:  $645 – NRVC Member         $795 – Non-NRVC Member  


Registrations for workshops received after September 27 will incur a $100 late fee per workshop:


Cancellations for workshops and/or accommodations must be received in writing before September 27 to receive a full refund, less a $100 processing fee per workshop. After the deadline, all fees are non-refundable for the cancellation of workshops and/or accommodations. 


Father Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D. is a priest of the Archdiocese of Portland, OR. He has taught at both the secondary and university levels, and currently teaches at Mount Angel Seminary Graduate School of Theology in Saint Benedict, Oregon. Father Carey holds a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He has presented workshops in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. He is a past recipient of the NRVC Harvest Award for his work in service of vocation ministry.


An in-depth look at more challenging issues of personal experiences in assessing candidates, this is a gold mine. Father Ray's rich knowledge and experience in his field is very helpful, it gives a sense of authenticity. I am challenging myself to be better in assessing inquirers and updating my own materials.   

—Sister Gloria Tamayo, M.M.

Simply excellent. Father Ray is approachable, conversational, compassionate, and uncompromising about integrity in vocation ministry. This workshop adresses those ambiguities and challenges vocation ministers face to keep agency clear.

—Brother Tom Wendorf, S.M.

Having the participants bring along informal case studies provided the means for shared responsibility and content for this workshop. Father Ray has the ability to listen to participants and pull out of them what would benefit the entire class. 

Father James Berning, S.D.B.


Click here to register. 

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