2014 Psychosexual integration

2014 Psychosexual integration

Presenter: Sr. Lynn M. Levo, C.S.J., Ph.D.

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Vocation ministers need to have an understanding of psychological well-being and psychosexual development so that they may adequately assess a candidate’s ability to lead a passionate, healthy and integrated life. In this workshop we will explore: well-being, an integrated understanding of sexuality, the centrality of relationships and intimacy, the necessity of personal boundaries, the impact of one’s past, especially physical, emotional and sexual abuse on one’s ability to relate, emotional awareness and integration, living a healthy sexual and celibate life as well as the impact of social media on personal development.

This workshop is intended for vocation and formation teams, seminary personnel and religious leadership, and others entrusted with the assessment of inquirers and candidates.


July 19-22, 2014

This workshop begins at 9 a.m. on Saturday, July 19 and ends at noon on Tuesday, July 22.


Sister Lynn M. Levo, C.S.J., Ph.D., a Sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet, is a licensed psychologist, consultant, and lecturer. She received her Ph.D. from the University of New York at Albany, completing her clinical training at the University of Kansas School of Medicine. Sister Lynn has presented nationally and internationally on fostering healthy integrated sexuality, celibacy, relationships, intimacy, mutuality in community, emotional intelligence and on the Internet and Cybersex. She served as the Director of Education and editor of Lukenotes at Saint Luke Institute, Silver Spring, MD for 12 years. Prior to serving in this capacity, Sister Lynn was a member of her congregation’s leadership team. Currently, she continues to be affiliated with Saint Luke Institute and is a consulting psychologist in private practice, based in Albany, NY.


Workshop Fees

Fees include lunch, materials, speaker and facility fee, but not parking, breakfast, or supper.

Commuter: $ 500 – NRVC Member $ 750 – Non-NRVC Member
Resident: $ 920 – NRVC Member $1170 – Non-NRVC Member

Room reservations are for 4 nights with a check-in after 3 p.m. on Friday, July 18 and a check out by 9 a.m. on Tuesday, July 22.




Lynn was excellent. Her presentation was very pertinent to our lives today as vocation ministers and people striving for balance in our lives. I look forward to her next workshop!—Father Chris Santangelo, S.S.C.C



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